Monday, September 03, 2007

Stage 1

This is a new painting i plan on doing in oil. I just started this today while i have a lil time off from work for labor day. Im starting to post different phases of each of my art now for achiving purposes and to just see my progress. Its supposed to be a beast looking character with a glowing light shinning behind him. I didnt want to put too much detail in it for right being that this will be my first real oil painting in like 12 yrs! I think im going to add something in the top left corner next to his head to complete the composition a lil more. Hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

cool...I really like what you did with the negative space...the silhouette pops...I am glad you are progressing with elio and Joe...this piece reminds me of an old spanish legend...EL CHUPACABRA...haha