Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hook again

Started taking another direction with Hook this go around. Had to make the character more sympathetic. Feels like so long ago when I did these designs. Lol. Just had to move so things got kind of messed up over on my end and my computer caught a bad virus so I havent been able to back up everything yet. Hope you guys have a good one. Enjoy.


ps check out the new banner!


Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

yea, make that character come to life."What is it thinking?"Ollie Johnston quote.

Unknown said...

Love your line work! The expressions are definitely a sell.

ryanprows said...

Don't know if I've posted yet about any of this, but everything you've put up has looked fantastic. Very cool and original idea expertly designed and executed. Great looking stuff!

Sean Galloway said...

these sketches look awesome, Chris!

Anonymous said...

you the man Biv!