Tuesday, August 26, 2008

More Hook Designs

This is when I started playing more with the idea of making Hook a samurai. Appreciate the suggestion Vignali. Really early exploration of samurai combinations. Enjoy



Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

i like this alot...I really like the one idea about hook, having a hook style katana. Also the fact that hook is shorter than peter pan is sooooooo hilarious, keep doing your thing BIV.

Juampa said...

Hi Chris!!

the idea for the character is gorgeous and your sketches are full of live!

keep on with the nice work!

Joe Karg said...

Hey Chris,
I was just appreciating all the different features you have on Hook's costume. You really did a nice job with all those details.


Jason Barnes said...

wow, sweet effects you are getting with those colors. you mentioned this is a personal project?

Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

thanks for your comment...I just realized you made a third eye, and used it for the telescope...daang thats tight. I wonder which one youll end up using, since they are all great.

Neverrated said...

Loving these characters, I really like the concept in these.

victoriaying said...

wow such fantastic characters!

Omar "OX" Rodriguez said...

are these all from consecutive sketchbook pages, or did you have to put em together in photoshop? these are so good, I had to find out your process that u took to present it to us.

PJ Raines said...

Cool characters...The different costumes and personalities of each are really fun. I look forward to more!