Friday, September 19, 2008

SciFiDude aka i need to come up with better names

Something I was playing with after work. I found some new brushes for photoshop that Ive been messing around with. Getting some really cool effects and it's freeing up my hand a lot with the different textures you can get. I love doing faces sometimes. So iconic like a poster for a movie or something. You really connect more with the character that way. The next one I'm going to do a full body just to bring it all together. Done moving now but now I have to get my car towed! Crazy. Hope you guys have a good weekend.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Hook again

Started taking another direction with Hook this go around. Had to make the character more sympathetic. Feels like so long ago when I did these designs. Lol. Just had to move so things got kind of messed up over on my end and my computer caught a bad virus so I havent been able to back up everything yet. Hope you guys have a good one. Enjoy.


ps check out the new banner!

Monday, September 08, 2008

Thundercats HO!

Little something I did while taking a break at work. I was looking at some of Cheeks stuff and wanted to do a sketch of Liono. I always loved this show as a kid. Not too crazy about the new 3d movie coming out but we'll see. Anyway hope you guys have a good one.
